Should I Buy a House With a West Facing Garden?


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Should I Buy a House With a West Facing Garden?

Imagine this; you wake up to sunshine streaming through your bedroom window. After a refreshing morning routine, you step outside to savor your morning coffee amidst the cool shadows in your backyard oasis.

As the day wears on, that very same garden transforms into a sun-drenched paradise, perfect for soaking up those warm afternoon rays or hosting friends over for an evening soiree under the fading sunset glow.

Sounds idyllic, right? This could very well be your reality if you opt for a home with a west facing garden. But before signing on the dotted line, let’s explore the unique pros and cons that come with this backyard orientation.

What is a west facing garden?

A west facing garden is exactly what it sounds like an outdoor space that directly faces the western horizon. This positioning impacts the sunlight patterns throughout the day.

In a nutshell, west facing gardens bask in glorious afternoon sunlight from around 1 pm until the sun sets. During summer’s peak hours, your garden may even enjoy those golden rays from noon onwards as the sun sits higher in the sky.

However, morning folks should note that same radiant sunshine will be shining on the front of your home bright and early before making its way to your beloved backyard oasis.

How Do I Know The Direction Of My Garden?

Figuring out your garden’s cardinal direction is easier than you might think! All you need is a compass be it an old-school physical one or just the handy compass app on your smartphone.

Simply stand against the back wall of the house while facing into the garden. Point your compass towards the end of the yard, and it will reveal which way your outdoor sanctuary is oriented.

If tech isn’t your thing, no worries! You can always hop onto trusty Google Maps, search for the property address, and use Street View to get a bird’s eye perspective of the home and garden layout.

Should I Buy a House With a West Facing Garden?

Should I Buy a House With a West Facing Garden?

Now for the million dollar question does a westerly backyard orientation make sense for your unique lifestyle? As with most real estate decisions, there are distinct tradeoffs to weigh.

Sunlight Exposure

Let’s start with the obvious perk abundant afternoon sunlight exposure in your humble backyard retreat. If you’re the type who loves basking in those deliciously warm rays after clocking out of work, or firing up the grill once evening rolls around, a west facing garden could be an absolute dream.

Outdoor enthusiasts and green thumbs alike will rejoice at the extended daylight hours for tending to gardens, playing catch with the kiddos, or simply whiling away the balmy evenings with an ice-cold beverage in hand.

Plant Selection

Speaking of gardens, the orientation of your green space will influence what varieties of flowers, veggies, and herbs you can successfully cultivate. West facing gardens are prime real estate for sun-loving plant picks that flourish under partial to full afternoon rays.

So start dreaming of vibrant rose bushes, lush vegetable patches ripe for the picking, and aromatic herb gardens that’ll make you a backyard Michelin star chef! The opportunities for growth are endless.

Outdoor Living

If your idea of home bliss involves endless al fresco living and outdoor entertaining, you’ll be living the dream with a west facing garden! Imagine all those warm summer evenings spent hosting lively BBQs, pool parties, or intimate dinner soirees under the twinkling string lights.

With abundant evening light at your disposal, you can create ambiance-filled hangout zones perfect for whiling away the waning sunlight hours with loved ones.

Energy Efficiency

An often overlooked but valuable benefit; a west facing garden orientation can actually boost your home’s energy efficiency! With natural light flooding your backyard space until sundown, you’ll likely rely less on artificial lighting indoors during the evening hours.

Less electrical usage equals lower energy costs a win for both your wallet and the environment! Smart home technology like automated blinds and skylights can further enhance these sunny savings.

Garden Design

Last but not least, garden orientation influences ideal landscape design and decor elements. West facing backyards lend themselves beautifully to strategic shade solutions like pergolas, retractable awnings, shade sails, and well-placed trees or tall shrubs.

These structures don’t just provide cool respite during the peak afternoon heat they create architectural interest and ambient nooks perfect for lounging, dining, and unwinding after a long day.

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The Pros And Cons Of Homes With A West-Facing Garden

Clearly, there are quite a few compelling perks to snagging a west-facing backyard sanctuary. But like any major home buying decision, we’d be remiss not to examine the potential drawbacks as well.

Pros of a west facing garden

  • Extended daylight hours for outdoor enjoyment in the afternoons and evenings
  • Lower energy costs thanks to decreased need for artificial lighting
  • Ideal for cultivating sun-loving plants, veggies, fruits, and herbs
  • Perfect for outdoor hosting like BBQs, parties, and cozy gatherings
  • Brings warmth and radiance into the home during evening hours
  • Shady mornings in the backyard – great for kids’ playtime
  • Increased home resale value in some markets

Cons of a west facing garden

  • Potential overheating of indoor spaces facing the garden during summer afternoons
  • May reduce usability of the garden during peak afternoon hours due to intense heat
  • West-facing gardens are not as coveted as south-facing orientations in some markets
  • Morning light is limited in back rooms until the afternoon
  • Front of the home receives intense morning sun, heating up east-facing spaces

The Benefits Of A West-Facing Garden

Now that we’ve painted the broad strokes, let’s dive deeper into some of the biggest perks of embracing a westward backyard flow.

You Can Entertain Later

One of the top draws without question is the ability to host epic outdoor soirees that extend well into the evening hours! With the sun’s rays bathing your space until dusk, you can linger outdoors without that harsh overhead glare cutting the party short.

This prime lighting makes curating an ambiance-filled hangout zone a total breeze. Invite the whole crew over for a boozy backyard bash, or keep things intimate with a cozy fire pit session under the starry night sky – the choice is yours!

Need some real talk inspo? Just picture cute bistro string lights swaying in the evening breeze as you chat and laugh over frosty cocktails with your closest pals. That, my friends, is the west-facing garden dream.

Your House Has More Light For Longer

Here’s another awesome benefit that’s sure to brighten up your day literally! With the sun’s golden rays streaming into your west-facing living spaces until twilight, you’ll bask in an abundance of natural light all evening long.

Not only does this warm, cheerful radiance create an ultra inviting vibe within your home, but it’ll also help you save some serious cash on electricity costs. Since you won’t have to flip on artificial lighting until much later, you could see a noticeable dip in your monthly bills over time.

Plus, who doesn’t love chasing that sunset ambiance as you cozy up on the couch after work? With a west-facing orientation, those dreamy evening views are yours for the basking all season long.

Certain Plants Flourish In A West-Facing Garden

Plant parents and avid gardeners, you’ll be delighted to learn that a west-facing backyard is a total green haven if you play your cards right! The key is selecting varieties that thrive in those afternoon sun conditions.

We’re talking lush florals like bougainvillea, hibiscus, and crowd favorite roses that’ll flourish under consistent evening rays. On the edible front, fruit trees like cherry, peach, and plum will go into production overdrive with ample afternoon sun exposure.

And that’s just the tip of the gardening iceberg! With some strategic planting and care, your west-facing plot could become a magnificent oasis overflowing with vibrant blooms, fresh herbs, thriving veggie patches, and luscious greenery.

Good For Those Who Want Shady Mornings

Here’s a perk that’s sure to delight the night owls and families with young kiddos. With the sun rising in the east, west-facing gardens remain perfectly shaded throughout the morning hours.

That means you can sleep in past sunrise without bothersome light peeking through the curtains. Or, for parents, it creates a cool morning playtime zone where little ones can frolic outdoors without risk.

The Drawbacks Of A West-Facing Garden

While the benefits are plentiful, let’s keep it real – west-facing gardens aren’t without their drawbacks too. Being an informed homebuyer means understanding all the potential trade-offs.

The Garden Can Get Too Hot For Plants

One challenge green thumbs may face is that intense late afternoon heat beating down on sun-sensitive plants. Some varieties simply can’t withstand those harsh rays during peak hours without wilting or burning.

This issue is compounded in hotter climates where scorching summer temps are the norm. If you dream of cultivating certain delicate flower beds or veggie patches, you may need to get creative with ample shading solutions.

The House Might Get Too Hot As Well

Just as the garden risks overheating, so too do the indoor living spaces facing those intense western rays. Come late afternoon, you may find your west-facing rooms feeling more like a sauna than a sanctuary.

To combat this, you’ll likely need to crank up the AC or fans to maintain a comfortable temperature – adding to those energy costs we discussed earlier. Investing in exterior shades, awnings, or tree cover could help minimize this passive heat gain.

The Home Might Not Be As Valuable As South-Facing Properties

Unfortunately, there’s still a perception among many real estate markets that south-facing homes are the most coveted orientation. The thinking is that these spaces receive balanced light throughout the day versus the intense evening sunlight of western exposures.

So while a west-facing garden is delightful to some buyers, it may not boost the resale value of your property quite as significantly as that sunny southern backyard would. Of course, this varies from market to market.

A Gloomy House In The Morning

Here’s the big trade-off for all those glorious evening rays – your west-facing indoor spaces will likely be lacking in cheery morning light until the sun has fully risen and traveled its course.

So night owls may rejoice in being able to sleep in without sunrise peeking through. But early risers could find the dim, cavelike atmosphere of those back rooms less than invigorating first thing. It’s a vibe that some may love while others may loathe.

Finding The Right Backyard Orientation For Your Lifestyle

Should I Buy a House With a West Facing Garden?

At the end of the day, there’s no definitive “best” direction for your garden’s orientation. It all comes down to your personal needs, climate, and lifestyle priorities as a homebuyer.

If you’re someone who loves spending leisurely afternoons and evenings al fresco entertaining, a west-facing garden could be an absolute backyard paradise. The extended daylight allows you to soak up every last drop of PM sunshine.

However, if you’re an early riser who craves an abundance of morning light, or you simply can’t stand the heat, a westerly yard may not be the ideal fit for your needs. You’d likely be better suited for an easterly or northerly orientation.

And of course, in many markets a prized south-facing backyard still reigns supreme when it comes to resale value and appeal to the masses. But trends are always evolving!

Final Words

Choosing a west facing garden boils down to your lifestyle. The prime perk? Glorious afternoon and evening sun for alfresco lounging and hosting epic backyard bashes. But there are trade-offs too – potential overheating indoors during summer’s scorchers and lack of early morning rays. Green thumbs will rejoice at the ideal conditions for sun-loving plants and flowers. But delicate varieties may wilt under intense late afternoon blazes. At the end of the day, no orientation is universally perfect. Find the backyard flow that vibes with your unique needs and routines.


Is west facing good for a house?

A west facing home has both advantages like extended daylight for outdoor enjoyment, and drawbacks like overheating in summer afternoons. It ultimately depends on your lifestyle needs.

What is the disadvantage of west facing house?

The main disadvantage is the potential for overheating indoors during peak afternoon sun hours, increasing cooling costs. The backyard can also get too hot for sensitive plants.

Which face is good for a house?

There is no definitive “best” facing. South facing is ideal for balanced light, while west allows afternoon/evening sun. Consider your climate and daily routines.

Is a west facing garden good in the UK?

In the UK, west facing gardens provide a nice extended daylight in summer evenings for outdoor use. But morning light is limited compared to east or south facing gardens.

Which facing is not good for a house?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but north facing homes can lack natural light for much of the day depending on the region.

Is west facing house bright?

West facing houses are bright with abundant natural light in the late afternoons and evenings when the sun is setting in that direction.

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